Unlike some retailers, we aim to be transparent by offering the best prices on our products without building things like freight cost buffers into the item prices.
Our freight costs are calculated based on the specific dimensions and weight of the products in your order, as well as the delivery location and timeframe for delivery.
We’ve worked hard to negotiate great rates with our delivery providers based on the volume of business we do, so the prices you're seeing are the costs we incur for the shipping and handling of your specifiic items.
It’s also important to note that office furniture is often bulky and heavy, which impacts shipping logistics. Delivery costs also factor in the time and equipment required to unload your large items safely and in compliance with OH&S standards for the drivers.
If you’re looking at multiple items and the freight costs seem high, please reach out to us, as you may have items that are dispatching from multiple warehouses. If so, we may be able to:
- Swap out certain products to optimise shipping costs
- Arrange a custom freight quote with a slower delivery timeframe to help lower the cost.